The USC Latino Alumni Association offers a wide range of programs and events to support, educate and inspire LAA scholars.
Alumni Life Classes
Led by USC alumni, these classes provide opportunities for students to hear firsthand about careers in a wide range of industries—and learn what it takes to work in various fields and maintain work-life balance.
Annual Scholars Leadership Retreat
This back-to-school welcome event for LAA scholars features distinguished and inspiring keynote speakers and hands-on workshops. The retreat gives LAA scholars an opportunity to meet members of the LAA Board of Directors and Scholarship Committee, connect with their fellow scholars, build camaraderie and learn about the scope of LAA’s programs. See photos from our latest retreat.
Networking Opportunities with Alumni and Industry Leaders
The LAA provides opportunities for students to network with alumni and industry leaders at our signature fundraising events and professional-education programs. We are proud to help students connect with alumni for one-on-one conversations about career paths and potential employment opportunities.
Internship and Employment Resource
We work closely with the USC Career Center and corporate partners, and share information about internship and employment opportunities in our monthly newsletter.
Student Recognition
Commemorating the legacy of USC’s eighth president, the Dr. John R. Hubbard Recognition Award is given to an outstanding undergraduate student graduating in the upcoming academic year. The award is based on academic achievement, leadership and community service.
If you feel that you are deserving of this award, please have an advisor, professor, teaching assistant, dean, director or supervisor nominate you. Selected candidates will be contacted to participate in an interview process, and the top three finalists will be invited to our annual scholarship gala, where the winner will be announced. We send out a call for nominations to the various schools and academic departments on campus each October.
The Felipe Plascencia Exceptional Funding-Current LAA Scholars (2024-2025)
The Felipe Plascencia Exceptional Fund provides financial support to current USC LAA Scholars so they may participate in educational and professional opportunities not covered by financial aid, including travel to conferences, business attire and professional association memberships or prep courses such as GRE, GMAT, LSAT etc. We have set up the application via Scholarship Universe. *LAA Scholars can only apply once per academic year. We have limited funds so we may not be able to cover the entire costs but can provide some assistance depending on each student’s eligibility.
To apply for consideration, please visit Scholarship Universe.
Log in to Scholarship Universe and add the link above to browser and it should take you directly to the page. If not, do a search in the search box type in USC LAA/Felipe Plascencia Exceptional Fund. We will review submission on a weekly basis and get back to students on the decision. If you are uploading information, create one PDF with the information to upload with the application. Questions? Contact Dolores Sotelo at dsotelo@usc.edu.
Applications are reviewed within two weeks of submission date. Note if awarded we will require receipt(s) that can be submitted via email at latinoalumni@usc.edu
Join our mailing list
If you are a USC student and would like to receive our newsletter, please subscribe here to register for LAA’s Scholar newsletter and stay up to date on upcoming events. The newsletter is sent only to USC students monthly.