2018 APAA Scholarship Gala

Asian Pacific Alumni AssociationScholarships

In the 2024-2025 academic year, we awarded over $200,000 in scholarships to 100 USC undergraduate and graduate students of exceptional academic merit. Eleven cultures and fifty majors were represented within this class, and more than half qualified to receive need-based financial aid.

USC APAA scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are available in Scholarship Universe. Deadline is March 7, 2025.

USC Asian Pacific Alumni Association (APAA) scholarship applicants must be a full-time student (undergraduate, transfer, graduate or professional) enrolled in a USC degree program or who will be enrolled (in the case of an incoming first-year, transfer or graduate student) for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters).

Applicant must have achieved a minimum of an overall 3.0 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) in his/her high school or college course work. (USC Medical students who do not receive grade points are exempt)

Selected APAA Scholars are expected to:

• Complete a bio and donor gratitude statement
• Attend selected APAA fundraising events throughout the year
• Fulfill 10 service hours for USC APAA in the academic year of your scholarship award

Applicants of all ethnic backgrounds are eligible for consideration. Positive consideration may be given in the selection process to students to promote diversity or to students who advocate for Asian Pacific Islander communities. Scholarships are awarded using both merit and need-based criteria.

Scholarship awards are not guaranteed from one academic year to another. All recipients are required to re-apply on an annual basis for scholarship awards.