Dear USC APAA Community,
As the new president of APAA’s board of directors, I am honored and excited to work with you to engage Asian Pacific Trojans worldwide.
For the year ahead, I would like to focus on going back to basics (B2B) to refine and enhance our programming and outreach. Now that everyday life has somewhat “normalized” post-pandemic (fingers crossed!), our board is working with APAA’s tireless staff to strengthen your connections to each other and to USC.
Our APAA Board of Directors has already hit the ground running! In early August, we gathered for our annual board retreat for a strategic planning session. Then, later that month, we reunited to welcome our new scholarship recipients at our annual APAA Scholars retreat. On behalf of our board, I want to thank everyone who has contributed to our scholarship fund; your generosity is helping USC students realize their dream of a USC degree. If you would like to donate to our scholarship fund, please visit USC Giving. Remember, every gift counts!
Another element of our B2B plan is creating more opportunities to bring alumni together. We hope you’ll join us for our first mixer of the year on Thursday, October 24, at the Everson Royce Bar in downtown Los Angeles. We hope to see you there!
Lastly, I want to thank my predecessor, Mary Yao Tee ’91, for her exemplary leadership and dedicated service. We all appreciate the sacrifices she has made for APAA, and are grateful that she will continue to serve as our board’s immediate past president.
Fight On!
Sky Kogachi ’95
President, Board of Directors
USC Asian Pacific Alumni Association